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Our company "Tenger Khachu Bekhi" was founded in 2014 on the initiative of an informally united group of people known as the Heavenly Healing House of NOMT.



In 2018, we established the school "Tenger Bekhi House" (non-governmental organization serving society). In the department "Khukh Turmus" of this school, teachers and colleagues perform various corrections and treatments on the human spiritual body. They also organize classroom and online trainings. And they provide the whole world with basic services, such as brief information about the hidden world, information for those interested in shamanism and alternative therapies.


In this era of spiritual awakening and rebirth, we will translate into several languages, the teachings that we have received from the higher spirits of Heaven, in order to bring them to the eyes and ears of all humanity. In addition, we are preparing to also translate the various trainings, conferences and seminars regularly organized in our center in Mongolia, so that all this knowledge is easily accessible to you.


We also broadcast our courses via social media: Facebook channels, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin and online platforms where trainings and webinars take place.


We will collaborate with Mongolians abroad, and any people, organizations, individuals and spiritual communities interested in Mongolian heritage and culture, shamanism and alternative medicine and who study spiritual renewal. 


By the way, we want to make podcasts, documentaries and cartoons in the field of education, disseminate and develop Mongolian heritage on metaverses or emerging platforms, and we are interested in open cooperation with any artist or business enthusiast. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested


During this period, 15 books were written with the help of the Spirits and published for public use. According to a decree from Heaven, a total of more than 1,100 ceremonies were given to the “Eternal Blue Heavens”, the “99 Heavens”, the “real world”, the “galaxies”, the “Five Continents”, the “earthly kingdoms and worlds” and we awakened the rituals and ceremonies of the first governmental and academic institutions of our Mother Earth. In addition to doing the awakening rituals, many measures such as asking for forgiveness from the owners of the 5 continents, the enlightenment program to get rid of karma and be included in the mercy of the Great Government “YASA” are implemented. by combining the knowledge and power of spiritual and scientific doctrines and realizations


We regularly organize ancestral fire offering ceremonies, various public events of healing of physical and spiritual bodies in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, and in rural areas.


La steppe

       La steppe, boisée ou non, occupe près de 52% du territoire de la Mongolie. La steppe couvre essentiellement la partie centrale du pays qui comprend les montagnes du Hentii et du Khangai, la majeure partie des aimag de Tov, du Hentii, de Dornod, le nord de Sukhbaatar et de l’Ovorkhangai. Khangai forment la partie plus élevée et le plus massive de l’ensemble. L’altitude du Khangai est assez constante et approche les 3500m. Long de 800km, le Khangai part du nord-ouest de l’aimag de Zavkhan jusqu’au sud-est de Tov, en passant par l’Arkhangai et l’Ovorkhangai.

       Khangai constitue une zone entièrement protégée ou vivent de nombreux animaux. Les oiseaux migrateurs viennent y nicher en grand nombre, tandis que les rapaces profitent de l’abondance de bétail. Le massif du Khangai est une région volcanique. Le point culminant est la montagne Enkhtaiwan à 4000m.


La Taiga

      La Taïga couvre entre 12% et 15% de la Mongolie. C’est une forêt de conifères : mélèze, sapin, pin, bouleau et cèdre de Sibérie. Elle s’étend principalment au nord, à la frontière avec la Russie. Elle couvre les aïmags de Khuvsgul, le nord de Zavkhan et de Bulgan, et une partie du Selenge. Dans la Taïga vivent de nombreux animaux protégés.



       La région de l’Altaï se situe à l’ouest de la Mongolie. L’Altaï est une chaine de montagne qui s’étend de la Chine, au sud, à la Russie, au nord. L’ouest de la Mongolie offre d’importantes variations d’altitude. La région de l’Altaï abrite nombre d’animaux rares, notamment des oiseaux migrateurs. La chaine de l’Altaï suit l’inclinaison générale du pays, plus élevée au nord qu’au sud. Elle s’abaisse par degrés irréguliers, de faible amplitude, sur 1500km environ du nord-ouest au sud-est du pays, en trois chaines successives. Les altitudes les plus élevées sont de 4000m. Les vallées y sont encaissées et la végétation rare. Les paysages rocheux caractérisent cette région aride.​​

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