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Treatment content

There are many ways to treat the disease. One of them is hypnotherapy. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy directly depends on the skills and knowledge of the hypnotist. From the outside, it seems that the hypnotist is saying numbers or words, but behind this is hidden knowledge, talent, a degree or magic. All diseases of the human mind can be cured by hypnosis.
FEAR is distressing, alarming, anxious, worried, nervous, panicky, suspicious, shy, drowsy, stupefying, surprising, and in the context of mental disorders, it is the fear of any small thing (PHOBIA, PANIC). In case of fear, blood rushes to the main muscles of the body, such as the legs, in preparation for escape.
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As long as anxiety persists, it eats away and poisons the person from the inside. No orderly words, actions or thoughts arise from a person who is overwhelmed by fear, and to this extent he begins to torment himself and those around him with fear. Fear injures the root chakra and not only causes diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by damaging the cerebellum, but it also easily damages the bones and supporting organs.
Due to fear, the human brain malfunctions and easily undergoes acute mental changes. Therefore, we do hypnosis to get rid of fear and anxiety. Some people get good results after just one treatment, such as no fear or anxiety.
Mongols say that “even excrement moves when you are afraid”. This shows how harmful the negative effects of fear are (hallucinations). Many people have died of fear.

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