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Our insomnia treatment is daily during your stay, but you will need to continue to do it regularly in the future. Insomnia is caused by excessive fatigue and weakness of the brain, lack of nutrition and freezing of brain cells. Malnutrition should be understood as a lack of oxygen in the air and energy nutrients.
Our brain feeds on energy, whether it is working or resting. In terms of energy, we must understand the intensity, light, rays, radiance and brilliance of the sun, moon and stars. The light of the sun is more useful for working during the day, while the energy of the stars and the moon is more necessary for the brain to rest at night.
Some may wonder why my brain is malnourished when the moon rises and the stars shine. The most important thing is that if the functions of the pores, chakras are blocked, or almost closed, the channels of the brain that receive these energies are considerably weakened.
You have overloaded your brain by thinking about various things. You have overtired your brain by not managing your work and rest, or you often go to places with dirty intensity and unpleasant atmosphere, or you think about negative and dark things... etc. there is a high probability of insomnia.
Therefore, you can get rid of insomnia by feeding your brain with the right amount of energy, with the missing energy sources/vitamins, and taking care of rebuilding your brain cells.
Of course, just as any starving and underweight person cannot become athletic and strong just because he ate enough food at one time, it is almost impossible to completely recover the brain and completely eliminate insomnia at one time. Therefore, we carry out treatment in 10 sessions.
You can do more than 10 if you wish. It does not matter how many because the characteristics of the human body are different.

Our treatment for insomnia consists of 3 parts:
1. Free the pores by dissolving and dispelling the black energy that covers the brain and clogs the chakras. Perform a deep energetic cleaning at the soul and physical level to activate the 7 primary chakras and the cellular chakras. (about 20 minutes).
2. Destroy and erase the information of negative and unpleasant events in the subconscious that caused insomnia (about 20 minutes).
3 Through the moon, there are 3 actions to be carried out: awaken, nourish and maintain the energies of the sleeping, damaged and dying brain cells. It is also necessary to support the cells of the body with the energy of the earth and space. The brain supports the functioning of the tissues, cells and particles responsible for sleep and rest. At this time, to support brain functioning, strong energy scriptures are read for 20 minutes.

If you want to benefit from quality sleep during the night thanks to drug-free energy therapy, sign up for this treatment knowing that it will take at least 10 consecutive sessions to obtain results.

Here are some causes of insomnia and chronic insomnia:
1.Loss of peace of mind:
- Fear
- Worry
- Depression
- Irritability
- Consternation
- Anger
- Grief
- Being exposed to the behavior of a rude person
- Sadness
- Jealousy
- Dissatisfaction
- Panic, shock
- Over-indulging in something (work, plan, goal) or being too tired
- Not managing work and rest times (sleeping at regular times)
- Not enough physical exercise

2. External reasons:
- Feeling morally hurt by someone
- Someone thinks badly of you
- Bad look from someone
- Someone may have slandered you
- Dependence on something or an action
- The soul of the body may have been hit by an arrow of an evil spirit

3. Lineage inheritance reasons (from our ancestors or parents)
- related to the spirits of hell
- related to the gates of judgment of hell
- schizophrenia (a person related to one of his ancestors)
- possessed by the spirit of Khurmast

4. Physical reasons
- Physical injuries
- Brain pressure and lack of cerebral blood supply in infants
- Living in an air-polluted environment.
- There can be many other reasons.

The root cause of any disease must be eliminated and only then can the disease be completely cured. We can help you eliminate all the above reasons.
At present, sleep experts give the following advice.
- Before going to bed, take a walk or get some fresh air
- Take a hot shower before going to bed
- The room should not be exposed to street lights or moonlight
- Go to bed at a regular time and get up at a regular time
- Do not consume alcohol, tobacco, coffee before going to bed
- Before going to bed, or in bed, do not think about anything, just lie down to sleep !!!
- Do not listen to music that causes adrenaline.
- Do not watch the news with anxiety because it increases adrenaline
- You can sleep during the day, but do not sleep for long hours
- In the afternoon, try not to do as much intense physical and mental work as possible.
- Do not go to bed hungry or too full
- Play soft music, listen to meditative melodies (natural mist, breeze, etc.)
- Pillows and beds should be comfortable (neither too hard nor too soft).
- Sleep in an environment with good air circulation at all times. (sleep in a well-ventilated room even in winter)
- Do not watch TV or movies for long hours until you fall asleep
- Highly sensitive people should learn to avoid things, events, environments and situations that disturb their mood.
- Do not get angry before going to bed, in the evening or in the afternoon
- Before going to bed, do not talk to anyone for a long time and do not receive good or bad information
- Do not look at anything on the Internet before going to bed

We add the following recommendations:
The 5 senses of the brain must be at rest during sleep. If the brain does not rest and the brain cells work, we cannot sleep.
In order to cure insomnia, in addition to eliminating the above causes, it is necessary to restore the normal functioning of the brain in a short time.
To do this, you need to go out, walk under the stars, look at the water mirror, observe the horizon, listen to the melody of nature, replenish your energy and do meditation in motion, do hypnosis of energy and brain cells.

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